Pallion Working Mens Club

  • Pallion Workingmens Club
  • Waverley Terrace
  • SR4 6TA

Last Inspected on 28th Feb 2017 by and received a 4 score

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Inspection Summary

Food Hygiene and Safety - Fair
Some non-compliance with statutory obligations and industry codes of recommended practice. The premises are in the top 50 per cent of premises and standards are being maintained or improved.
Structural Compliance - Good
High standard of compliance with statutory obligations and industry codes of recommended practice, minor contraventions of food hygiene regulations. Some minor non-compliance with statutory obligations and industry codes of recommended practice.
Confidence in Management - Good
Reasonable record of compliance. Technical advice available in-house or access to and use of technical advice from trade associations. Have satisfactory documented procedures and systems. Able to demonstrate effective control of hazards. Will have satisfactory documented food safety management system. Audit by Food Authority confirms general compliance with documented system. 

Other Places within 1 mile of Pallion Working Mens Club

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1 Matson Shop Cafe 207, Chester Road, SR4 7TU
1 Hylton Chop Suey House 229, Hylton Road, SR4 7XA
2 M \& J Cafe Whitehall Cafe, 15 Whitehall Terrace, SR4 7SP
3 Charlotte's Kitchen & Takeaway 2, Neville Road, SR4 6QT
3 Downey's Fish & Chips 20, Saint Lukes Terrace, SR4 6NQ
3 Peking Express 3, Neville Road, SR4 6QT
3 China Diner 10, Whitehall Terrace, SR4 7SW
3 Deli Two Twenty 220 Hylton Road, Sunderland, SR4 7UZ
3 Murtha's 70, Saint Lukes Terrace, SR4 6NF
4 Spice 1 64, Saint Lukes Terrace, SR4 6NF
4 Southwick Police Station Northern Way, Sunderland, SR5 2DU
4 Golden Fry 213, Hylton Road, SR4 7XA
4 Steels Social Club 1, Peacock Street West, SR4 6LQ
4 Avenues Cafe 186 Hylton Road, Sunderland, SR4 7YA
4 Ruchi Curry Express, 179, SR4 7YE
4 Willow Pond Willow Pond Inn, 173, SR4 7YF
5 Pizza Uno 52, Saint Lukes Terrace, SR4 6NF
5 Pizza Hut 28, Saint Lukes Terrace, SR4 6NQ
5 Subway 30, Saint Lukes Terrace, SR4 6NQ
5 Urban Terrace Kitchen Delicatessen 3, Saint Lukes Terrace, SR4 6NQ
5 Gala Club Pallion New Road, Sunderland, SR4 6UA
5 Costa COSTA, Woodbine Terrace
5 Farrans Food Cabin Alexandra Business Park Building 13, Woodbine Terrace, SR4 6UG
5 Royal Voluntary Service Cafeteria Sunderland Royal Hospital, Chester Road, SR4 7TP
5 Munchies Deli 1, Austin Boulevard, SR5 2AL
5 Zachos Ground Floor Rear, 209, SR4 7TU
5 Sunderland Wall Doxford Print Works, Ditchburn Terrace, SR4 6TQ
5 All Seasons Tea Rooms 24, Kayll Road, SR4 7TN
5 Times Inn 43, Wear Street, SR5 2BH
5 Cafe Refresh Civic Centre, Burdon Road, SR2 7DN
5 WRVS - Main Shop, Main Concourse Nurses Training School, Kayll Road, SR4 7TP
5 Melonyard Business And Innovation Centre Rive, Wearfield, SR5 2TA
5 Royal Mail Restaurant & Staff Canteen 9, Wearfield, SR5 2TG
5 Ell's Kitchen 1 A, 1, SR4 7SN
5 Bow's Thai Takeaway 7, Davison Terrace, SR5 2DL
5 The Cafe In The Meadow Dovecote Meadow, Fordfield Road, SR4 0FA
5 Sir John Short Raob Club Sir John Short R A O B Club, Wilson Street, SR4 6HX
5 Chinese 2 Go 62, Saint Lukes Terrace, SR4 6NF
5 Curious Me At The Coffee House 68 Saint Lukes Terrace, Sunderland, SR4 6NF
5 Dixy Chicken 56, Saint Lukes Terrace, SR4 6NF
5 Domino's Pizza 60, 58, SR4 6NF