Sing Fung

  • 273 Halesowen Road
  • B64 6NP

Last Inspected on 19th Sep 2019 by and received a 3 score

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Inspection Summary

Food Hygiene and Safety - Fair
Some non-compliance with statutory obligations and industry codes of recommended practice. The premises are in the top 50 per cent of premises and standards are being maintained or improved.
Structural Compliance - Good
High standard of compliance with statutory obligations and industry codes of recommended practice, minor contraventions of food hygiene regulations. Some minor non-compliance with statutory obligations and industry codes of recommended practice.
Confidence in Management - Some
Satisfactory record of compliance. Access to and use of technical advice either in-house or from trade associations. May have satisfactory documented food safety management system. 

Other Places within 1 mile of Sing Fung

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3 Amber Chinese Takeaway 115 Highgate Street, B64 5RU
3 Riddins Tavern Riddins Tavern, 33 Mossvale Close, B64 6DP
3 The Alachi Restaurant 126-127 Highgate Street, B64 5RU
3 The Spring Meadow Spring Meadow, 255 Halesowen Road, B64 6NP
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4 Green Garden 1 Meadow Walk, B64 7EG
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4 Seawave Fish and chips 142 Halesowen Road, B64 5LP
4 The Taypot 166 Halesowen Road, B64 5RR
4 Cafe + 1 Coxs Lane, B64 5NT
4 Ocean Queen Fish & Chips & Balti's 175 Halesowen Road, B64 6HE
4 Old Hill Cafe 207 Halesowen Road, B64 6HE
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5 Tang 86 Station Road, B64 6PL
5 Cottage Spring Bowling Green Road, Netherton, DY2 9NA
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5 KFC 132 Halesowen Road, B64 5LS
5 The Blue Oyster 167 Halesowen Road, B64 6HX
5 Wheelie Thirsty Old Hill 215 Halesowen Road, B64 6HE
5 Sam's Bostin Bites 117 Highgate Street, B64 5RU
5 Old Hill Cricket Club Old Hill Cricket Club, Haden Park Road, B64 7HF
5 Spring Meadow Social Club Spring Meadow Mens Social Club, 1 Spring Meadow, B64 6LB
5 The Old Hill Fish Bar 12 Station Road, B64 6PD
5 Regis Masonic Hall 395 Halesowen Road, B64 7HX
5 The Crown Inn Crown Inn, 97 Station Road, B64 6NT