Alder brook P R U

  • within Alder Brook
  • Walnut Road
  • M30 8LE

Last Inspected on 18th Oct 2017 by and received a 5 score

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Inspection Summary

Food Hygiene and Safety - Very Good
High standard of compliance with statutory obligations and industry codes of recommended practice; conforms to accepted good practices in the trade.
Structural Compliance - Very Good
High standard of compliance with statutory obligations and industry codes of recommended practice; conforms to accepted good practices in the trade.
Confidence in Management - High
Good record of compliance. Access to technical advice within organisation. Will have satisfactory documented HACCP based food safety management system which may be subject to external audit process. Audit by Food Authority confirms compliance with documented management system with few/minor non-conformities not identified in the system as critical control points.

Other Places within 1 mile of Alder brook P R U

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4 George's Dining Room and Bar 17-21 Barton Road, M28 2PD
4 Tung Fong Restaurant 2 Worsley Road, M28 2NL
5 Prago Cafe 358a Worsley Road, M30 8JA
5 The Winton Bar 360a-362a Worsley Road, M30 8JA
5 Westwood Smarties Westwood Smarties Management, Grasmere Crescent, M30 8DN
5 New Happiness 151 Worsley Road, M30 8LY
5 Conservatory Coffee Shop within Broadoak Park Garden Centre, 173 Worsley Road, M28 2SJ
5 Jolly Carter 118 Worsley Road, M30 8LS
5 The Bridgewater Hotel Bridgewater Hotel, 23 Barton Road, M28 2PD
5 The Secret Garden Tea Room 11 Barton Road, M28 2PD
5 Worsley Court House Kitchen/Bar within Old Courthouse, Barton Road, M28 2PB
5 Winton Social Club Winton Bowling Tennis And Soci, Grange Road, M30 8JW
5 Salford Sea Cadets Worsley Boat Yard, Worsley Road, M28 2WN
5 The Barton Arms Barton Arms, 2 Stablefold, M28 2ED
5 Winton Cricket Club Winton Cricket Club, Alder Forest Avenue, M30 8JL
5 Egerton Arms 363 Worsley Road, M30 8HU