White Lodge (Cafe Bradbury)

  • White Lodge
  • Holloway Hill
  • KT16 0AE

Last Inspected on 10th May 2019 by and received a 5 score

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Inspection Summary

Food Hygiene and Safety - Very Good
High standard of compliance with statutory obligations and industry codes of recommended practice; conforms to accepted good practices in the trade.
Structural Compliance - Good
High standard of compliance with statutory obligations and industry codes of recommended practice, minor contraventions of food hygiene regulations. Some minor non-compliance with statutory obligations and industry codes of recommended practice.
Confidence in Management - High
Good record of compliance. Access to technical advice within organisation. Will have satisfactory documented HACCP based food safety management system which may be subject to external audit process. Audit by Food Authority confirms compliance with documented management system with few/minor non-conformities not identified in the system as critical control points.

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5 Squires Garden Centre Squires Garden Centre, Holloway Hill, KT16 0AE
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