Orient Chef

  • 378 Carlton Hill
  • Carlton
  • NG4 1JA

Last Inspected on 21st Feb 2019 by and received a 3 score

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Inspection Summary

Food Hygiene and Safety - Fair
Some non-compliance with statutory obligations and industry codes of recommended practice. The premises are in the top 50 per cent of premises and standards are being maintained or improved.
Structural Compliance - Fair
Some non-compliance with statutory obligations and industry codes of recommended practice. The premises are in the top 50 per cent of premises and standards are being maintained or improved.
Confidence in Management - Some
Satisfactory record of compliance. Access to and use of technical advice either in-house or from trade associations. May have satisfactory documented food safety management system. 

Other Places within 1 mile of Orient Chef

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4 Navarra Restaurant 92a Oakdale Road, NG3 7EH
4 Mei Wei Chinese Takeaway 504 Carlton Road, NG3 2NS
4 Paradise BBQ Island Paradise, 314 Carlton Hill, NG4 1GD
4 Nice Nosh 200 Porchester Road, Mapperley, NG3 6LH
4 Tung Kong Valley 40 Valley Road, Carlton, NG4 1LT
5 Punch Bowl The Punch Bowl, 214 Porchester Road, NG3 6HG
5 Greenwood Coffee Stop 60 Greenwood Road, NG3 7EA
5 Tiger Activity Cafe 312 Sneinton Dale, NG3 7DN
5 Snax on the Dale 379 Sneinton Dale, NG3 7DW
5 Kool Kids Kool Kids Indoor Activity Centre, Carlton Road, NG3 2NR
5 New Summer Palace 24 Oakdale Road, NG3 7EE
5 Toros Steakhouse and Restaurant 20-22 Oakdale Road, NG3 7EE
5 Jerk Station 247 Carlton Road, NG3 2NT
5 Oakdale Chippy 106 Oakdale Road, NG3 7EH
5 The Bakersfield The Bakersfield Public House, Oakdale Road, NG3 7EJ
5 Levanti's 500 Carlton Road, NG3 2NS
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5 Domino's Pizza Dominos, 390 Carlton Hill, NG4 1JA
5 Golden Grill 4 386 Carlton Hill, Carlton, NG4 1JA
5 Golden Harvest 322 Carlton Hill, Carlton, NG4 1GD
5 Piggins Inn 338 - 340 Carlton Hill, Carlton, NG4 1JD
5 Reids Kitchen 297A Carlton Hill, Carlton, NG4 1GP
5 Greenwood Coffee Bar The Wells Road Centre, The Wells Road, NG3 3AA