Riverside Cafe

  • Unit 8, Leeside Business Centre
  • 156 Millmarsh Lane
  • EN3 7BJ

Last Inspected on 26th Nov 2018 by and received a 1 score

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Inspection Summary

Food Hygiene and Safety - Poor
Some major non-compliance with statutory obligations – more effort required to prevent fall in standards.
Structural Compliance - Poor
Some major non-compliance with statutory obligations – more effort required to prevent fall in standards.
Confidence in Management - Little
Varying record of compliance. Poor appreciation of hazards and control measures. No food safety management system.

Other Places within 1 mile of Riverside Cafe

Score Name Address
1 Shirls Diner Ferraris House, 1 Aden Road, EN3 7SE
1 China Kitchen 73 Brimsdown Avenue, ENFIELD, EN3 5EP
2 Atalian Servest @ Johnson Matthey 33 Jeffreys Road, ENFIELD, EN3 7PW
3 Warburtons Canteen 112 Millmarsh Lane, ENFIELD, EN3 7XG
3 The Brothers Fish Bar 65 Brimsdown Avenue, ENFIELD, EN3 5EP
4 Workmans Cafe 5 Northampton Road, ENFIELD, EN3 7UL
4 Royal Venue 1 Jute Lane, ENFIELD, EN3 7PJ
4 Muscle Limit Gym 31 Lockfield Avenue, ENFIELD, EN3 7PU
5 Baxter Storey Ltd 158 Brancroft Way, ENFIELD, EN3 7QP
5 Compass Group t/a Dee Dee's 79 Suez Road, ENFIELD, EN3 7PS
5 McDonalds Restaurant 1340 Mollison Avenue, ENFIELD, EN3 7NJ