Crowthorne Social Club

  • Wellington Road
  • Crowthorne
  • RG45 7LD

Last Inspected on 2nd Jan 2018 by and received a 4 score

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Inspection Summary

Food Hygiene and Safety - Good
High standard of compliance with statutory obligations and industry codes of recommended practice, minor contraventions of food hygiene regulations. Some minor non-compliance with statutory obligations and industry codes of recommended practice.
Structural Compliance - Very Good
High standard of compliance with statutory obligations and industry codes of recommended practice; conforms to accepted good practices in the trade.
Confidence in Management - Some
Satisfactory record of compliance. Access to and use of technical advice either in-house or from trade associations. May have satisfactory documented food safety management system. 

Other Places within 1 mile of Crowthorne Social Club

Score Name Address
2 Kabir's Indian Restaurant, 1-3 Dukes Ride, RG45 6LZ
4 Beijing Chinese Food 239 High Street, Crowthorne, RG45 7AH
4 Royal British Legion Club Crowthorne The Royal British Legion Club And B, Wellington Road, RG45 7LJ
4 Indo Fine Dining 17 Greenwood Road, RG45 6QX
5 Costa Coffee Sherwood House, 104 High Street, RG45 7AT
5 The Italo Argentinian Don Beni Restaurant, 8-10 High Street, RG45 7AZ
5 The Crowthorne Inn 119 High Street, Crowthorne, RG45 7AD
5 The Golden Fry 51 High Street, Crowthorne, RG45 7AD
5 Beatons Tea Rooms & Bookshop 241 High Street, Crowthorne, RG45 7AH