Binfield Kitchen

  • The Corner Shop
  • Terrace Road North
  • RG42 5HS

Last Inspected on 27th Jun 2019 by and received a 3 score

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Inspection Summary

Food Hygiene and Safety - Fair
Some non-compliance with statutory obligations and industry codes of recommended practice. The premises are in the top 50 per cent of premises and standards are being maintained or improved.
Structural Compliance - Fair
Some non-compliance with statutory obligations and industry codes of recommended practice. The premises are in the top 50 per cent of premises and standards are being maintained or improved.
Confidence in Management - Good
Reasonable record of compliance. Technical advice available in-house or access to and use of technical advice from trade associations. Have satisfactory documented procedures and systems. Able to demonstrate effective control of hazards. Will have satisfactory documented food safety management system. Audit by Food Authority confirms general compliance with documented system. 

Other Places within 1 mile of Binfield Kitchen

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5 Binfield Cricket Club Forest Road, Binfield, RG42 4DU
5 The Foxes' Den Cafe CIC Binfield Parish Council, Benetfeld Road, RG42 4EW
5 Amir Restaurant 9 Oakmede Place, Binfield, RG42 4JF
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