Shippee Village

  • 261 Tile Cross Road
  • Birmingham
  • B33 0NA

Last Inspected on 24th May 2018 by and received a 1 score

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Inspection Summary

Food Hygiene and Safety - Fair
Some non-compliance with statutory obligations and industry codes of recommended practice. The premises are in the top 50 per cent of premises and standards are being maintained or improved.
Structural Compliance - Bad
General failure to satisfy statutory obligations – standards generally low.
Confidence in Management - Little
Varying record of compliance. Poor appreciation of hazards and control measures. No food safety management system.

Other Places within 1 mile of Shippee Village

Score Name Address
1 Seagull Charcoal Grill 265A Tile Cross Road, Birmingham, B33 0NA
1 Tile Cross Balti 75 Tile Cross Road, Birmingham, B33 0NU
3 Royal Spice Unit 6, Saxon Way, B37 5AY
3 Bluewood Fish Bar 147 Bosworth Drive, B37 5BT
4 China House 259 Tile Cross Road, Birmingham, B33 0NA
4 Snappy Tomato Pizza 149 Bosworth Drive, B37 5BT
5 OCS Catering Ltd Lucas Aerospace Ltd, The Radleys, B33 0HZ
5 Greggs 9 Bell Lane, Shard End, B33 0HS
5 White Hart Public House The White Hart, 331 Gressel Lane, B33 9UU
5 Seagull Fish Bar 265 Tile Cross Road, Birmingham, B33 0NA
5 Rumours Bar & Grill Unit 2, Saxon Way, B37 5AY
5 Bailey's Cafe and Sandwich Bar 87 Tile Cross Road, Birmingham, B33 0NU