
  • 144 Doagh Road
  • Croghfern
  • BT36 6BA

Last Inspected on 10th Sep 2019 by and received a 3 score

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Inspection Summary

Food Hygiene and Safety - Fair
Some non-compliance with statutory obligations and industry codes of recommended practice. The premises are in the top 50 per cent of premises and standards are being maintained or improved.
Structural Compliance - Fair
Some non-compliance with statutory obligations and industry codes of recommended practice. The premises are in the top 50 per cent of premises and standards are being maintained or improved.
Confidence in Management - Some
Satisfactory record of compliance. Access to and use of technical advice either in-house or from trade associations. May have satisfactory documented food safety management system. 

Other Places within 1 mile of Subway

Score Name Address
3 New Century 119 Doagh Road, Croghfern, BT36 6AA
3 Cloughfern Arms 214 Doagh Road, Croghfern, BT36 6BB
3 New Jumbo 173 Doagh Road, Croghfern, BT36 6AB
4 Juniors Fish & Chips 142 Doagh Road, White Abbey, BT37 9QS
4 Bombay Dreams 75a Doagh Road, White House, BT37 9QJ
4 King 11 11 Kings Crescent, Croghfern, BT37 0DH
4 CDE Global Aramark Food Service 370 Doagh Road, Croghfern, BT36 6XL
5 Nortel Athletic & Social Club 2a Cloughfern Avenue, Croghfern, BT37 0UB
5 Whiteabbey Hospital, Grapevine Restaurant 95 Doagh Road, White Abbey, BT37 9QN
5 Eva's Cafe 14 Abbots Cross, White Abbey, BT37 9QU
5 Good Fortune 75c Doagh Road, White House, BT37 9QJ
5 Crescent 1 Kings Crescent, Croghfern, BT37 0DH
5 Fern Lodge & Wineway 76 Doagh Road, White House, BT37 9NY
5 Glen Catering at Whiteabbey Masonic Club 51 Monkstown Avenue, Croghfern, BT37 0EB
5 Whiteabbey Masonic Club 51 Monkstown Avenue, Croghfern, BT37 0EB
5 1st Newtownabbey Linfield Supporters Club Innis Park, Dunanney, BT37 9HB
5 Coffee Shop at Hillside Nursery Centre 328 Doagh Road, Croghfern, BT36 6XL
5 The Hungry Hound 28 The Diamond, White House, BT37 9BJ
5 Mount Charles at Bombardier Doagh Road 229-333 Doagh Road, Croghfern, BT36 6XA
5 Four Star Pizza 131 Doagh Road, Croghfern, BT36 6AA